Information in English
Urban transformation represents challenges as well as possibilities. Continued urban population growth, with increased demands for housing, workplaces, and infrastructure, and the resulting strain on resources and natural diversity, urges development of more climate friendly solutions. Cultural heritage is an important component in urban development; it provides character and a sense of place to the city. An adaptive reuse of heritage could also contribute to environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Hence, the overall aim of ADAPT is to explore how industrial heritage can be adapted to achieve sustainable climate friendly solutions.
The project is organised around an in-depth analysis of two large on-going regeneration projects on former industrial sites (Klosterøya and Verket) in the historic towns of Skien and Moss, Norway (read more about the sites here). By studying the processes and how the regeneration initiatives are moving forward, we explore how cultural heritage is reused in an urban regeneration process (Work package 1), how to achieve environmental sustainability through the integration of new development and adaptive reuse of older buildings (Work package 2), how to facilitate socially sustainable and resilient urban development by integrating urban agriculture in public spaces developed on former brownfields (Work package 3), how to plan for sustainable travel behaviour (local, regional) and mobility resilience in urban regeneration projects(Work package 4).
The concept of ‘resilience’ has a key role in ADAPT, here understood as a way to work with change carried out from the ability to adapt and transform. We view resilience as a conceptual tool that can play a key role in achieving a healthy city, and thus strengthen both heritage management and sustainable planning. By comparing initiated, on-going, and newly ended urban transformation projects, we ask how resilience can be operationalised in urban planning. In dialogue with planners and stakeholders, we seek to explore how resilience can become a tool for future, sustainable regeneration projects. Moreover, in collaboration and cooperation with public actors, citizens, and the NGO-sector, to develop tools directed towards practice based on lessons learned from the project (guidelines, success-criteria, incentives, recommendations, etc.). This will allow for knowledge acquired from past experiences to be transmitted and reviewed in new contexts. Through its investigations, ADAPT aims to provide new knowledge on different ways for adaptive reuse of industrial heritage that can strengthen place attachment and human wellbeing.
Work package organisation:
WP 1: Adaptive reuse of industrial structures in urban regeneration processes (WP-leader NIKU)
WP 2: Resource efficiency in urban regeneration (WP-leader: SINTEF)
WP 3: Urban biodiversity and integration of urban agriculture in public space (WP-leader: NMBU)
WP 4: Planning for sustainable travel behaviour in ‘mini cities’ (WP-leader: TØI)
WP 5: Towards resilient planning solutions: Guidelines, recommendations, success-criteria, incentives (WP-leader: NIKU, all parties).
If you are interested in more information, please contact us by e-mail: